My next roles were helpdesk ones until I truly was ready to break into a developer role again.
I can't remember much details. I'll just summarise as follows:
- I secured a job at a big company. Perhaps, I was taking my own sweet time to do work too, I was asked to leave very quickly.
- I then joined the defence side. There's heavy politicking. I still remembered, it's hard to get a job so at the interview, I put on a big welcoming smile.
And there's once, an in-house system gave an error. I then debugged it and fixed the problem. It's a piece of cake to me. But the boss was so proud of me!!
And when I confided in a colleague, she said my talent would be wasted if I stayed there. I should get a developer role. I didn't think much of it.
When there's news of a takeover, I seriously didn't want my path or destiny to be decided by someone else, and I took the plunge to move on again.
- the next role was the last helpdesk job I held. After a few months there, a supervisor told me, he saw improvement in me and he knew he was right to keep me there. All I knew about him was that, he's not well liked so I had doubts about his words.
I also noticed something in me. A senior colleague (she joined before me, so she's a senior) was solving a problem for a user. Upon hearing another device had the problem, she referred the user to the device helpdesk. When I heard that, I got agitated, as I thought she was shirking responsibility as a helpdesk. So I questioned it upfront. I can't remember the conclusion, but most likely, she was right lol.
Finally, I mustered enough courage and moved on to a / another developer role. This time, I felt more ready, as I had just passed a certification test . Although I failed another higher level one. Hehe, when I failed that one, I felt the world crashed and made myself uncontactable.
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