Saturday, November 25, 2006

updates for friday

here are my updates..

after work, i went wif a colleague to meet my frns for movie.. sigh.. as i'm wif a colleague, not a frn, when i saw hunks, i cant even stare at them.. had to peep at them... darn it..

den met my frns n chatted wif them over dinner... 1 thing i dislike abt my sex appeal is.. ppl are usually attracted to my body.. so much so that they sometimes fail to impress mi.. n fail to strike interesting chats. it's especially evident on tis day!

i've not met a foreigner frn.. who's keen on sm like mi.. n yes, he's interested in mi too. i notice that, our conversation seldom exclude SM topics. although it's our common interest, i dun think that's our only chat topic. n somehow.. kinda true.. the higher expectations we have on the outcome of a meet/gathering, the greater the disappointment there may be..

the worse thign is, when no topic seem to be interesting enough, an old n passe topic came in: wat type of guys do u like?

i was really stunned..

but during our dinner, i did share my fantasy story again... lol:
when a guy gets kidnapped for ransom, he's usually brought to an isolated room. in this room ,he's tied to the chair n blindfolded. he cna't move. denteh kidnappers call for ransom. after the call, they felt that the victim does look good n decides to have some fun first.. they begin to remove his shirt.. n pull off his pants, caress his.. n remove his undies after he's got a hard on..

den came to the movie timing!! it's Casino Royale!! CY, i din really knw tat it's a sequel to 007. but after seeing the trailer, i start to feel tat he's the oni person who's able to portray the image of a spy.. i duno.. i just felt that he's the perfect actor for such a spy role.. brosnan.. i've not watched the show.. but i felt he's another actor who's been given the role to act.. perhaps it's cos, daniel has a swimming trunks scene, and he's got a well maintained body.. shows tat he can really run n be an efficient spy..

n.. hhe, after knowing we gonna watch this show, den someone told mi there will b sm scene.. lol ..i dinno how intensive it wll b.. thot it'll b perhaps some captive being tied up n abused.. dinno who will kena.. n during the movie, of cos i'm looking out for it.. hehe..

all along, i was looking forward to it.. n good to see tat daniel came out from the sea in trunks pretty soon.. he's realyl got a cool body for his age!! n i can even count the number of scenes he went topless!! lol.. n finaly the scene came!!!

wow... his shirt is first torn open and removed... den the next scene, he's seated on the chair and tied to it. frontal scene of cos oni show his chest n bit of abs. but side scenes, u can see he's not wearing anything...

the abuser den used a rope to hit daniel's CBT moderately. eehhh, although i wonder how will it feel in real life (cos i sure he din hit it), i dun desire to feel it. i felt tat was cool... lol.. when daniel din give in, the abuser tried something wrose.. lol.. well i watch too much vid liao.. tat y got such wayward thinkinig... i was hoping the abuser will tease him n give him a hard on lol..

den the abuser pushed the chair down.. lol... wif the push, his penis shld b touching his bladder... lol... oohhhh.. i wan the uncensored version!!!!

saturday happenings..

wow, i certainly had enjoyed my day to the fullest... 90% of the day...

i went to my office gym club there to workout.. yes i signed up as member liao.. not tat far for mi lah. went to the gym to try the machines.. quite nice.. esp.. when there is a cute, i think, malay guy working out.. he's quite fit though ;)

den later went for a swim.. wah.. .the last time, i almost had a fling in the steamrm. tis time, the pool, got a guy in trunks lying on the suntan chair. n he readily lifts his arms during the tan, so tat his frontal, including his arm pit, gets tan. he noticed my stare n glares. i know. but he din glitch.. i suspect he is waiting for something.. but then.. in such open space, wat can have happened??

i went to the steamrm.. hoping to see someone there.. if not, wait for ppl.. BUT nothing happened... argh... boring day lol.. but at the pool there, when i started to swim, i knw i found my swimming heaven... it's serene n pte.. it's my ideal location!!

after day ended

i took the bus back home.. den wah lioa.. the bus is crowded, n not a bendy bus. so i moved to the back of the bus. den.. suddenly got another uncle oso move in... ok the bus got 2 lanes of seats rite? i was at 1 lanes holding the rails of the seat. den strangely, the uncle is behind mi, but holding the handrail of the front seat. n yet, his whole body is slanted to b very near mi.. kauz!! n everytime his action (moving arm) always pushes his body onto mi! i tried to move away, but no space.. in end, i decided to use my bag to block him off.. it worked lol..

however, later someone from th back seat wanna alight, n yelled at mi to give way.. wah liao.. i told mi calmly "there is space for you to move", n he.. i think furiously moved over, pushing my bag off to make way for himself... but i held on to my bag lol

den during dinner at the bro stall there.. wah... i saw a downright dashing dude sitting n eating at the stall there!!! wah... can't take my eyes of him!!! i oni dare to sit behind him n look at his back once a while.. but his frn noticed oso.. tat y.. when i left, they both looked up at mi.. but i... erally dun wanan look.. i dun dare look.. he's too dashing.. if i face him while dining, i dun think i can finish my dinner..... i'll b 2 engrossed...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

wah liao.... the first round of elimination for guy superstar.. i really... unexpected!!!!

kenny kena eliminated... den the ex-artiste huang shi yu oso kena... hahah... i really dunno wat's going on... kenny is cute... well... at least i dun need to waste my sms anymore.. jus listen to how the ppl sing.. n comment...

i now... seriously wonder wat will happen in next round... i fear for my daren.. tat beng kia..

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

rmb the stylish guy? during the few days of orientation, he look so student guy.

tdy i saw him again, queueing up for the company lunch bus. wah, he's in proper office attire.. look so mature siazz! i mean, really look those < 30yo working class guy.. i wonder, if he's in tis attire at the orientation, will i still take note of him...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

somehow, i think i'm getting nuts... i think sometime back, i did mention someone from singtel supposed to come to my plc.. a guy.. but den, no news ever after...

haha.. den i kept calling the singnet side for 2 wks.. n he finally called back! ahah.. he was trying to make some more investigations.. n i did ask y he din call back lah.. i wonder if there's a chance to make him come over to my plc lol... he sounds quite alright.. those young man tone lol.. dunno his real age though..

den.. another thing is my gym mship... sianzz.. last time, b4 my exams, i got a deal for the gym. but i din grab it.. den recently i called again, n the deal is like gone.. so i tried calling a few times... i wonder if i shld sound so persistent... u see, last wk, i called up. the person i spoke to said she'll get the senior to call mi back to decide if i can get back teh deal. no news over the wkend. monday, i called again, she's off duty. tues (today), i called, she said the deal is off. i den tried to persuade her to give mi back the deal. she say she will get the finance to call mi back after lunch.

ok.. but they nvr called... well, i think tmr i'll call again. but tis time, if she get the ph, i'll jus tell her, tat i'm really keen to get the mship. n if they r not keen on getting a new member on board, i can always go to other places, just tat i've been there n found it cosy.. etc those nice words... n leave a final line: if they are not keen, while i'm to sign on, i have to give it up, and join other clubs...

save me some face lol..

Monday, November 20, 2006

4 mths back, as a freelancer, i took photographic shots of people who wanna try out new poses... i shot for 2 guys. 1 is according to how he wants it. 1 is according to hwo i think he can project his image.

nw... i editing the latter's pix. wah liao... we took 2 days to finish the shots. first day, is fashion wear. 2nd day is.. loose till sexy n hot shots. wah... i dun dare to see his 2nd day's shots siazz.. scared too hot for mi to tahan..

Sunday, November 19, 2006

think i can start to embed youtube videos in my page, instead of linking to the site..

see how ler..

Homosexuality in Animals

Saturday, November 18, 2006

superstar audition

few days back, wanna blog liao, but site down, n i lost my lines.

i jus watched superstar tat final audition round. i had wanna watch wed ep, but i missed it!! i then recorded thur ep. luckily!!!! wed ep is gers, thur ep is guys!!! wah liao.. now i'm mesmerised by 2 guys....

1 is cute (beng) guy kenny, 1 is true blue beng kia.. daren!! siao... my hp bill sure go up tis month... i mean, in the mth tat i vote for them..

den got 2 more guys inside who caught my eyes... 1 is kinda cute huang shiyu.. 1 is hip hop style mingyao...

everytime got such audition, all star-wannabe go for it.. i oso had the intention.. but wah liao, seeing their strengths, i start to back out from my thots, n back to real life... hehe.. i think.. sooner or later, i'll really go to pub n sing there instead..

adam's diamond show

n some time back, adam's diamond serial show jus ended. n i recorded every ep of the show, n was watching it.. COOL BODY... or HOTTIE!! i wonder... in this show, he's low EQ n tends to reject ppl's good intentions. in real life, i wonder hwo will he react/respond if he knows he's got a huge followers of gay... lol... hopefully i can post his pix soon..

umm.. he's always been the supporting role... he's got the figure, n his own personality n character.. (low EQ??), should the producer make 1 film for him.. tat dun need too much facial expr (jus like when lee jin mei returned to TV) n jus flaunting on his body... maybe can b together wif julian hee.. can b a show tat's abt tey both workibng as gigolos n thot nothing abt marriages, oni think of hooking up wif gers. den got 1 time, they r hooked to a ger, or tat ger is hooked to them n tried to change them... den the drama effect starts... hehehe...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

lol.. watching... ok.. i reading my work stuff.. n watching blue video @ the same time (hahah... got my meaning?).. sigh... got a scene, in whcih a couple is lying inside bathtub. the top n btm both facing the ceiling, wif the btm sleeping on top's body. the top den was fondling the btm's face, n turning btm on by twitching the nipps.

wah... den i thot... how nice if (great) sex equates (good) love... cos... from the scene, it feels tat, the btm is loved by the top.. n cared for... ehhe.. carry on watchign the vide..
wah i long time nvr use the "expand" "collapse" feature of my blog.. almost 4got how to use it siazz... if u had read my previous blog b4 tis 1, u can read again.. cos hehe.. i forgot to update the... things.. now can expand liao!!

thank you

oh well, after working in tis place for sometime, n... observing behaviour.. i realise that.. "thank you" is a way of appreciating the efforts that a person spent on a work. it may b little, or a lot. u duno. so TY is the best n fastest way to appreciate it.. cos... on thur, the work i did to make things work was tremendous to mi.. cos i knw the urgency.. den when it's done, my sup thanked me. he dunno how/wat i did. but perhaps knw it took pains.


aiyo, i still got my room to clear up (thx to the person who left a room of garbage for mi to clear before moving to live wif his wife in their new plc), n blogs to read... wat else... umm albums to buy.. new clothes.. (many of my home clothes now r plagued with holes!!! sexy? lol)

Saturday, November 11, 2006


wow... these months (not days, not weeks), i've been accumulating lotsa fantastic pix in my pc, waiting to b put into my blog siazz.. but no time at all.. nw got some time liao.. but so many thign to clear!!! emails (i've got near 2k number of emails to clear for my gmail u knw!!!), pix (snaps from my TV-PC), and sharign of videos... wah lioa... how i gonna allocate time??


i mentioned sentosa rite? hehe.. quite fun, pairing up wif my cute guy.. ran around a few areas.. wah liao, saw my 42sar ppl there siazz.. young looking dudes, fit, lean... when i walk among them, i feel as though i'm their age!! LOL..

den saw a caucasian hunk, wif a drooling body n... muscles.. every part of his well-trained body is worth looking at... cool body.. n took soem pictures.. at will lol... ahhaha.. nw i got a treasured picture liao!!!! wahhaah... but it's nt for public viewing... lol.. den wat's the pt of writing here, u ask? hehe, well i wanna boast abt it!!! but then... i shld have gotten bolder, n took pix wif other frnly n nice guys... whahah...

n worth mentioning, is the counter staff at dolphin lagoon. i needed help for our game, n he... self-lessly dun mind giving us the things we need siazz!!! so ncie of him!! n i'd say him cute... due to tis? i nt sure./..


i went for haircut today... n again my darling boy is helping mi lol.. tis time he got pc problem to ask mi.. n abt the computer stuff... i tried to explain to him.. but used lotsa efforts siazz.. cos he's not IT-inclined.. quite a nice chat... den i asked if he wanna go gym.. he declined.. saying he dun wan come singapore just for gym... ok loh,.. but i did offer to bring him to gym if he wanna... n exchange my numbers wif him!!!! HAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

n now.. finally backt o my hse.. after a 12-hr outing... wahhh....

Friday, November 10, 2006

umm.. everyone on earth loves getting freebies... when you see one, you grab it. So what's the big deal here, when you are offering freebies and reach the 2nd top sale spot, compared to paid papers, which is still selling like hot cakes?? why does it sound as though it's really a FEAT? try making ppl pay for it.

and now... is it nice or bad? youngsters, or simply ... err.. i guess i sum it up as youngsters.. they r more outspoken n knw their rights more, and seek different ways in expressing themselves. but does this make them too... self-centered and too self-opinionated, n 2 this-is-my-self/live mindset?

every1 is having "i have my own views" mindset, due to the internet. i wonder... what will happen in future..
yeah man.. a BIG LOAD off my shoulder.... can there b any pun to it? guess not rite?

finally... a big issue has been resolved.. now i really feel more relaxed... cos, the work started on early oct. the research period. den since mid-end oct, i've been trying my best to make things work, finding ways to resolve isssue, n thinking of y this/tat cant work.. tried various ways... gosh.. i was so tired n so... "am i really so inefficient" thinking...

cos it's like the job is hanging on mi n over so long time, i cant resolve it. i wonder wat wil other ppl do.. will they resolve it in no time, unlike mi? i dunno if i lack self-confidence, or i;'ve high expectations of myself...

den really been trying all day n night siazz... i even blamed some teams (communication of it within my team oni of cos) for not knowing their jobs well.. cos they jus unable to give watever info tat's needed from them.. den while finding a resolution, even kena scold by some ppl.. kauzz..

den tis wed, my first day back at work after exams. i felt so exhausted mentally. my sup ask for updates of the new creation. den i said, from wat i understand, (although he himself told mi), we wait for updates from other teams first.. den he "oh.. ok..". den later, he ask wat did the other guy advise. i told him "his version is using..." den he "oh.. ya... discussed tat before"... hahah... den we finally dwecided tat we will go ahead wif the new creation.

n now, over 2 days time, the devt is finally working.. n the trial is at last working without problem as well! SO COOL!!! the worse is the trial, cos we cant control it.. but luckily./.. hehe... i requested for a restart of the server n it's ok!!! lol///

during tis process.. heard a cute voice though lol... from our infra team lol..

tmr.. we r out to sentosa... chances to see hunks n cuties r VEL IVELI VELI (super) high... unfortunately.. tat stylish guy, nt joining, cos he 2 new n dun wish to join..

Thursday, November 09, 2006

umm... for those who dunno how i look, i've updated my profile liao... visit my profile, den see the pic :) if u r a guy, you're welcome to explore deep into my pix there lol.. if not, hehe... it's nt meant for ur consumption =D

for those who wanna appreciate my looks lol, u can go oso... but hehe... jus dun get heart attack ;)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

finally... MY EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 for 4 mths, i'm free from books!!!! funny... i'm really .. feel tat i'm free... but again, i dun have the "exam over liao" excited feel. jus felt tat, a tough phase is over... n thot i can finally get back to work again.. but sigh. nt soemthing bad, but.. lol.. i can rmb wat's been going on b4 i went off, but when it came to the facts n figures, haha.. my upperstudy again stumped mi.. sigh.. wat to do, she's looking for efficiency in work.. my mind is still full of studies' stuff.. but when she tok to mi in tech terms abt work, i stunned..

anyway, my internet was down from sun morn onwards.. i can't surf net at all... DSL link flashing. singnet guy say, need ppl to check. apptmt planned on tues. so sunday till tues cant surf... den hor, when the tech guy came over, den i knw the line is ok, but modem could be spoilt siazz!! i wasted 2 days!!! but come to think of it, it meant tat i can focus more on studies.. i wun b distracted to surf net..

next thing is... gosh......... i came out of office, wanting to catch my bus. but i was slightly late. i dun wan go other stops take bus, so i decided to stay there n wait for next bus. wah.. knw wat? later got those gym guys jogging abt siazz!!! jogging in shorts oni... some r real gym guys.. can see their well-defined shapes and tuff bods. quite a sight huh?

den... suddenly, 1 guy walked past mi, to throw rubbish... i looked up, face i cant see clearly, but he's wearing tight n fitting T. wah... good body siazz!!! well-built chest.. den tummy is i blif 6 pax lol.. he's standing behind mi. wah liao, how i wish i can jus keep lokoing at him.. but can't... dun wan scare him off.. later, the bus came... as i waited for the bus to stop, i kept my eyes on him.. but he din look once at mi at all... :(

GREAT LOOKS, SHORT N KEMPT HAIR, BROAD SHOULDERS BUT NOT THOSE BIG SIZE HUNK TYPE, MUSCLES ON ARMS... BOYISH FACE... good looking guy!!! i boarded the bus first.. cos i knw, if i find a good seat, i can see him walking towards mi :P

true!!!! he walks towards mi!!! wah, the body is damn fit n tone siazz!!!!!!! angelic look, monstrous fig?? lol.. n his T is.. short T... barely over his jeans top... hehe.. i noticed it when he was sitting down in front of mi... he was adjustign his posture n i saw tat his T cant cover his entire body siazz... lol.. cant see some flesh on his waist lol...

i wonder.. if i too honry, or they really too good looking... anyway, i've lost my fashion sense... gotta get it back.. i saw there's lotsa Ts wif various designs.. for once, i thot all designs now come wif attitude designs ... lol

n the promised picture... haha.. it jus sounds so funny... tat when i mentioned abt the pic, a number of ppl ask for the site. including the owner of the website!!! i originally allowed oni personal requests for it. but since the owner of the website oredi visited my site liao, den no need to hide my site anymore... the person is appearing in those tat i'm appearing on lol.. so of cos u have to knw how urs truly look lol

Saturday, November 04, 2006

hello guys... right nw, i'm really messy wif my exam prepzz. hopefully come wednesday, my cacoon can open (dun think 2 much), den i can post pix, ans questions and accede requests!!! LOL

wish mi lady luck come to my rescue!!! or shld i say... cutie hunkie/boyish luck?? :P

Friday, November 03, 2006

wah liao... i'm really getting old lioa... cant tahan much if i were to wake up in midst of nite.. siongzzz...

anyway... lol.. it seems that both adam n pierre have topless scenes on the last 5 eps of the show whahah.. keep viewers in suspense... but adam better.. start of the show, for first 5-10 eps, everyday wear tank tops or singlet... WOOAAAHHH!!

he looks best in blue singlet... lol... HOTTIE!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

wah.... i'm really surprised siazz... really really.. bewildered... tebisha left a comment here... surprise... anyway, details will b let known next wk. after my last exam on 8th nov...

GOD BLESS MOI, BUDDHA BLESS, ... n any helpful... thing... bless mi... i really darn darn daern scared tis time!!! GOSH!!! totally no prep!!!! sometimes, i'm really worried abt my future... wat it holds.. yes it's a mystery n it's fun.. but nt when it causes mi so much strezz!!!

in my bedrm, i wanna wake up 3am, end up i woke up to off the alarm n slept till 6am. power hor? den i tried sleeping in living rm. same. wanan wake 3am, i again off the alarm when woke up n slept till 5+... power hor???

n... tmr is the last ep of the diamond show liao... where is DEAR ADAM carry "linxiangping" scene??? shown?????

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

i'm trying to prepare my exams nw... but b4 i forget any details, i wanna blog abt today =D

got the employee orientation program going on for new staff. i joined. den when i got there, participants wrote their names on a paper n stuck it to their clothes. mi 2. den got 1 stylish guy... hehe... he is stylish =D n his name is weird/unique too lol.. i took note of him.

little did i knw.. we are assigned to be team mates!!!!!! wah kauzz!! we were seated, n he actually ended up sitting beside mi!!! den i start the ice-breaking session by toking to him.. but he was kinda apprehensive at first of cos.. after some short chats, he opened up slightly.. but later, when we came back from a game, he "unknowingly" switched seats wif mi.. so tat he's on our guys' side, n i ended up sitting next to a ger. ok lah.. tok to the ger oso.. n at times, crack jokes wif her..

so, oso tok a bit to the style guy. n he's sittign in a good way: when i look at the OHP projection, i am actually looking at his direction!! looking at the side of his face!!! n tok a few lines wif him oso..

den after lunch.. things got exciting! umm.. ok. after lunch, the day was getting boring, so i tok more wif him.. but i initiated in chn.. tok simple stuff wif him.. n we hit off nicely :) luffing at some quick witted jokes of mine :) n he oso not afraid of sitting nearer to mi. n his arm movement oso nt afraid of brushing wif mi.. wat's more, he was not around to grab some free sweets. i left mine at my seat. later i went back to my seat, n i found some sweets taken!! it has to be him rite!! hehe.. he's being frnly wif mi!!! cos got other ppl, he could have asked them for sweets, but he took mine when i was not around!!

den got 1 time, he's wearing a sweater. beside mi still. den i hear some unzipping sound from him... wah lioa.. i felt so much like peeping to see the extent of his unzipping!! but nah... cant.. i'll look so odd!!

so, yeah, a frnship has been established!!


den another fellow... i met him on way to work, waiting for company bus. he's a gentle matured guy... my gaydar tells mi he's 95% aj. den today he oso at the program. n know wat, he's wearing those fitting Ts. got 1 time, he was standing up straight, in front of mi, looking to my right side. as i was looking at his right side, my eyes could see tat he's chest is firm, and his NIPPLES r protruding in such way tat it's very obvious from the way they are pressed against the clothes siazz!! i duno... if it's not office, i may have... initiated soemthing... sexual or jus teasing acts, i dunno... den during tea break, looking at the way he's standing, his chest n nipples.. the overall shape n outline of his chest are pressed onto the shirt siazz..


umm.. if u guy remember abt mi havign a cute guy as colleague, if u wanna see his pic, pls request by contacting mi personally.. any way can reach mi directly... i'll give u the website ,den u go in. the pix are posted in another person's site, n i DUN wan my blog addy to appear as the referrer to the site. in the case owner checks the logs n visit my blog.. den i siao lioa..

rmb, request for it...