Monday, August 02, 2004

if my date is pretty knowledgeable, does it make mi very ignorant?

cos.. it seem like, those ppl who date me out.. they pretty knowledgeable.. know many things, n able to tell mi lotsa things as we encounter them/... but i most of the time know nuts...

then... if it's IT related, i kjnow lotsa more than them.. why such things happen so often...

thinking.. shld i broaden my kowledge, to make myself more "marketable"? Or stick to my usual "lazy to initiate self-learning" attitude? well... time will tell i guess...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"thinking.. shld i broaden my kowledge, to make myself more "marketable"?"
Why do you want to try to "sell" yourself? The greatest part of your charm is that you are truly WYSIWYG. (best wishes from a long-time secret admirer/Kevin-blog-lurker!)