Monday, June 25, 2007

hey chris, i must say tat, my previous blog may not have conveyed my words well...

it's sure an enjoyable dinner.. no doubt abt it.. wat i meant was, i'm either too influenced by western shows or office etiquette, tat when i met you up, i was not my true self.. it was more of a business feel to mi.. that is, being courteous and having nice words all the way... i learnt that from work...

last yr, when we met in orchard, i forgot if it was the same manner, but i felt last yr was better... i felt more real back then, as i was not exposed to office/social etiquette, more to a friendly style of handling people..

but i din feel any of such sorts while I was toking to you.. it's only when I came home, n gradualyl realised it...

n... the western style of being nice.. stunned me a bit. I was watching Fear Factor... 3 duos of competitors were left... 1 made it to the next round. 1 other group did not, and went off... as they made their way, the first duo... actually... exclaimed "well done, i'm proud of you!"... it's really.. so surface and superficial.. although it sounds nice, it does not mean anything. it's more of social etiquette.


wah liao...

Leslie Darling,

Pls dun make mi puke can?? ya lah.. i knw u trying to make ur point tat "lovely post" is jus a casual remark.. like wat u said, it's more of a western style of commenting loh..

btw, has ur god come down for a fuck with you yet?? =D


Chris said...

You are the most wonderful conversationalist and a joy to dine with or just hang out with. I look forward to seeing you again and again as I visit Singapore in the future and perhaps you visit London.

Thanks so much for your company this trip.

Anonymous said...

hi sweety,

he'll be in perth on 070707.
fuck(s) are for sure...but irather call it as making fuck is different from love though...u know what i mean...
so, techinally, if i were to address u as 'sweety' in a western context, but do i actually mean... ' hi twat'? lol...nah, you are my best friend and you know it..and yes, you are's true.
yeah, like chris say, i do hope you make it to europe, london, we could have a massive time there, unlike in

cumming to an airport near u...very very soon!