Sunday, December 19, 2004

tonite, shrek 1 is showing... in the morning, i was thinking... ill jus stay home n watch it.. if he ask mi out (IF), i'll tell i wanna watch the show.

but... at this point.. i dunno... not even sure if he'll bother to ask.


Chris said...

Why don't you take the initiative and ask him to watch it with you? Buy him a Christmas present and give it to him then. Remember, even if he doesn't reciprocate, your showing him care and affection makes you a better person. Hugs from London

Anonymous said...

Oh please, stop whining already and get on with life. if you choose to engage in mindgames and self-pitying, it's no wonder your boi is ignoring you.

Who the heck will want to go out with someone who lack confidence, is mentally unbalanced and throw hissy enigmatic fits like a queen.

get your act together before you lose everything!