Sunday, October 16, 2005

On 25th August, I took my WCD java test. There are 69 scored questions in the exam. I answered 30 correct, giving my 43%. The passing score is 62%. My score is 43%.

Attempt 1
Sect 150%Sect 262%
Sect 357%Sect 442%
Sect 550%Sect 671%
Sect 70%Sect 80%
Sect 912%Sect 1080%
Sect 1133%

So, I flunked it. Alright, I then borrowed from NLB, an exam study guide 310-080 version. My exam is version 310-081. Got difference. So I checked the itnernet, and found a site whcih seem to offer guidance on 081 topic. but it's more of a crash course, assuming u have the basics and it merely emphasises on the key points.

I studied both. Or perhaps, read and studied.

2 months later, on 15th October, I took my WCD java test again. in my thots, as i'ved failed once, I'm mentally prepared to fail again. Altough, i thot since i studied SO HARD, i shld have a chance to pass. but i lost the confidence liao. i thot b4. if this tiem, 2nd time, i still dun pass, i can say It is really not a path for mi to stay on. some reasons maybe, i'm on the technology side whcih keep improving. will i be able to keep up? n this time, if i missed it again, i guess it's fated i cant do IT anymore. cos my IT dip was gotten 5 yrs back. so if stil dun pass, i think i can give IT up. but i still hope for the best lah.

Today, there are 69 scored questions in the exam. I answered 42 correct, giving my 60%. The passing score is 62%. My score is 60%. I made the calculation. I missed by 1 question. To get 62% correct, I needed 42.78 questions right at least. Scoring 60%, I only got 41.4 questions correct.

Attempt 2
Sect 150%Sect 250%
Sect 371%Sect 457%
Sect 583%Sect 671%
Sect 760%Sect 850%
Sect 962%Sect 1040%
Sect 1166%

I really did pretty well 2nd time. As perhaps as fate decreed, nothing gonna happen. and the book did not seem to help a lot. Remember, I only had the practical sessions to help me with my Attempt 1.

And this time, I did not put the pressure on my self to blame anything. I took it in my stride. Took it that, Heaven/Fate does not want mi on IT path anymore. I'm aleady prepared for this failure. What or who can I blame?

Blame java for not making the questions simpler? for not pan-chan-ning mi? blame authors for not comiong out wif the new book fast? oh well. I'm not sure of my plan now. But my first thought is to give up IT. Give up pursuing IT as a career. I intend to call SOS line for counselling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

IT doesnt only revolve ard Java rite? Why so drastic huh?